Lincoln Page 4
When I walked into the building, all eyes were on me. I knew I wasn’t exactly a common sight in a place like this. I’d worn a long sleeved shirt today to cover most of my tattoos, but even that didn’t seem to work.
At the reception desk, the lady behind the counter kept insisting that Mr. Williams was too busy to see me.
“Tell him it’s Lincoln Smith, and that he needs to speak to me for his own safety.”
The lady stared back to me, a little frightened and then I watched as she whispered hurriedly in the phone. That seemed to do the job. She gave me directions to Andrew Williams’ office and I took the elevator up to the fifteenth floor.
It was a fancy place, all prim and proper and corporate. The more I interacted with Andrew Williams now and stepped into his world, the clearer Charlotte’s upbringing became. This was the reason why she didn’t seem to belong in that campsite in April. It was because she belonged to this world instead.
I walked up to the office and knocked on the door. He was sitting behind his desk, going through some papers and files.
“Lincoln! I was told this was an urgent matter of security? What are you doing here?”
I walked up to his desk and took a seat across from him.
“It is,” I replied and he had his brows crossed.
“Is this a matter of payment? I thought we’d squared that out already?” Andrew added and I shook my head.
“That is not why I’m here. I wanted to give you a quick brief on the events of the auction,” I said.
“Events? What events? I thought everything went smoothly that evening,” he replied, putting the files down. Now I had his attention.
“Yes, for the most part. But I did detect some suspicious activity while you were on stage, when your daughter went backstage. Some men were watching her and they followed her there, knocking out the museum security guard.”
Andrew was staring at me in disbelief, but I kept a straight face on. I needed him to buy my story and I hoped that he wouldn’t take measures to verify it.
His face went pale. I knew I was on the right path.
“My daughter didn’t tell me anything.” he said.
“That’s probably because she didn’t see anything. When I went backstage, she was in the bathroom and one of the guys was lingering about. We had a bit of a tussle, but he got away. By the time your daughter came out of the bathroom, he was gone,” I continued.
I could see Adrew beginning to panic.
“I hoped they were just empty threats. I didn’t expect them to actually send someone to the event.”
He jumped out of his chair and started pacing the room. I watched him. I needed him to think this was his idea. That was the only way this could work, and the only way I wouldn’t arouse suspicion in him about Charlotte and me.
“Thank you for bringing this to my attention,” he said.
“No problem. It was my job,” I replied and stood up from my chair.
“Where are you going?” he asked and I shrugged.
“No, wait, we need to figure out what we’re going to do. If they’re actually sending men after me, I need more protection. Twenty-four hours. I need to keep my family safe.”
I stuck my hands into the pockets of my pants and stared at him. I wasn’t going to suggest the obvious.
“Will you guys do it?” he asked.
“Do what?”
“Provide me with the service? Protection for my family and me. Specifically, my daughter.”
Andrew looked deathly pale. I could see he was flustered and afraid. I knew I shouldn’t have lied, but I didn’t give a fuck right now. I needed to get close to Charlotte, and this was the only way I knew how.
“I’ll have to talk to my clan, and of course, there will be a price,” I replied.
“Money is not a problem,” Andrew was quick to say.
“Okay, I’ll speak to the clan and get back to you with the right price and our decision.”
Andrew was nodding his head.
“You guys did a good job at the event. This is getting serious. Let me know when you can start and I’ll give you the money.”
After that, I left his office. I called Ford and told him to call a meeting because we had another big job coming up. This was a relief. This was going to work out. And I was going to make sure that I was on Charlotte’s security detail.
If she thought she could just get away from me, she was wrong. It was time that she admitted the truth.
Chapter 11
It was afternoon and I was in dad’s study, pouring over his accounts again. He didn’t trust anyone else to do it as well as I did, but this was not the kind of work I wanted to be doing.
“Ms. Williams.” It was Rosie, dad’s secretary who was at the door. “Mr. Williams has called a family meeting in the den,” she said and with a flourishing smile, she turned and walked away.
A family meeting? Dad hadn’t called for one of those in several years, since I was a teenager. I hated them. Because they were never really meetings. It was just a chance for dad to sit mom and me down and tell us what to do.
Nonetheless, I would have to go. I had a nagging suspicion what this was going to be about—my pregnancy and my recent rebellious behavior against the family.
Grudgingly, I went to the den. There I found dad and mom already sitting on the leather couch. But mom looked like she’d been crying.
“Mom?” my voice cracked as I entered the room. I wanted to despise my parents, but when I saw them like this—I remembered how close we used to be. When I told my mother everything. When I was still the apple of her eye.
“Charlotte, I need you to sit down,” dad said.
Keeping my eyes on mom who was dabbing at her moist cheeks, I sat down on a chair across from them.
“What is going on, dad?” I asked him and he sighed deeply.
“I really didn’t want to tell you this, I wanted to protect you from it…both of you. But I don’t think I can keep it a secret anymore. For your own safety,” dad began.
“Safety?” I said, crossing my brows. I had no idea what this was about. My hand flew up to my belly instinctually.
“A few weeks ago, I received some threatening material by mail. A few letters threatening the safety of this family. Evidence of surveillance being carried out on us. Pictures of our family, of our daily lives. Somebody’s been watching us,” he explained.
“What? Who? Why?” I asked with a shaky voice. I couldn’t believe this was actually going on. Was that why the shifter clan had been specifically hired for the auction event? I couldn’t ask him that, not yet.
“People who are against the Eagle project,” dad said.
I heard mom sniff again.
The Eagle project. It was dad’s company’s latest enterprise. They were tearing down homes in a shifter neighborhood and building pricey condos there instead. It was all legal and by the book, but there were factions of the community there who didn’t want to be forced out of their homes—despite the payout they were receiving. My dad saw shifters as beneath him. As a different class than he was. And it infuriated me.
“Maybe you should consider not forcing people into homelessness,” I said, raising my brows and dad shook his head, like he was disappointed in me.
“You know I’m giving them a lot of money as compensation. The kind of money they’ve never seen before in their lives,” he replied.
“But there’s bound to be rebellion. It’s not just about the money, people don’t want to be forced out of their homes!” I snapped. I’d always had a bad feeling about the Eagle project.
Dad stood up from the couch, pacing around the den with his hands behind his back.
“Charlotte…your father is trying his best to keep the family safe,” mom spoke up through her tears.
“Why can’t we just stop it now? Pull out of the neighborhood?” I asked and dad whipped around to me.
“And just give up like that? Never! I’m giving the
m the money they want and now they’re coming after my family. I’m not going to give up now!” he growled.
Mom sputtered and sobbed.
“What about the police?” I asked and he nodded.
“They’ve been informed of the threats, and they say they’re going to keep an eye on us, but it’s not going to be enough. Besides, I don’t want any added attention. If this gets out in the media, there’s going to be chaos. The Eagle Project doesn’t need any bad press …” dad’s voice faltered as he spoke and he rubbed his temples with his fingers. I could see that he was suffering.
“What are we going to do?” I asked in a small voice.
I was scared now, especially scared for the baby.
Dad breathed in deeply, and then went over to stand behind mom and place a hand on her shoulder.
“I’ve hired some people to keep us safe,” he said. Mom looked up at him.
“Some people?” she asked.
I could feel my muscles stiffening. I couldn’t breathe. I already knew what he was going to say and I didn’t know what I was supposed to do now.
“Yeah, the Canyon Hollow Clan. The ones I’d hired for the charity auction,” he explained. Mom cried out again.
“I don’t believe this…I can’t…” she sobbed and dad crouched down beside her to console her.
My ears were ringing. I hoped that I would never have to come face to face with Lincoln again. I didn’t know how I was supposed to keep lying to him.
“And…and what are they going to do?” I asked. I could barely hear myself speak. My voice was a whisper.
“They’re going to keep an eye on us, twenty-four-seven. They’re a big enough group, with many men. I’m going to work out a system with them so that there is always someone at the house, and accompanying both of you wherever you go,” dad explained.
“Shifters? In our house?” mom asked and he nodded. She cried out again. She couldn’t imagine sharing a house with men like Lincoln.
I sat with my hands on my lap, fiddling with my fingers nervously.
“I’ll be fine, dad. I don’t need protection,” I argued but he stared at me with determination in his eyes.
“Charlotte, please don’t fight me on this. I just want to keep you safe, please, just do it for me until I can figure this out,” he pleaded. I turned my face from him, so he wouldn’t see the anxiety in my eyes.
Chapter 12
We took another vote at the meeting as usual and decided that a long-term contract with Andrew Williams would work out well for us. Ford congratulated me for a job well done, but I left out the part where I’d visited Andrew in his office and manipulated him into hiring us.
As of now, I had no idea if the Williams’ were in any real danger. If those threats he’d been receiving were even legitimate. I couldn’t believe how easily he’d fallen for the story I’d made up. Whatever it was, he was definitely very afraid.
And this way, I’d be close to Charlotte and the baby. I deserved to know the truth if I was the father of that child!
After the meeting, I declared to the rest of the clan that I’d take first shift at the Williams house. Once I’d discussed the details with him and the family, we could formulate a plan for the rest of the clan. They agreed and I rode out to the Williams’ address.
I’d never been there before and this was the first time I got to see the kind of splendor Charlotte had grown up in.
The house was a mansion, with sprawling manicured gardens and a fountain in the driveway. I parked my car beside a Limousine and knocked on the door, which was opened by a housekeeper.
For a few moments, the woman just stared up at me. I could see she was alarmed to see me there and was wondering if I was here to rob them.
“I’m here for Mr. Williams,” I said and she continued staring at me without a word. She was still in shock.
“Lincoln!” It was Adrew, bounding down the winding staircase behind the housekeeper. He was in a robe and pajamas. I hadn’t realized how late it was, and that regular people were in bed by this time.
“It’s okay Bertha, let Lincoln come in,” he said and greeted me at the door.
“I’m taking the first shift,” I informed him and he looked pleased to hear that. I could see now that Andrew trusted me completely, he had faith in me to keep his family safe from harm.
Bertha, the housekeeper, walked away, and Andrew led me in to the living room. While I followed him, I looked around. There was marble everywhere, paintings and portraits on the walls and thick curtains and soft carpet on the floor.
I couldn’t remember ever being inside a house like this. It was a sudden reminder of how different Charlotte and my lives were. Was this why she didn’t want to speak to me? Why she was running away from me? Was it because she looked down on me? Didn’t think I was good enough to be a father to her child?
“So, you will watch over the house all night?” Andrew asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
We were in the living room now and Andrew was standing in front of me with his hands in the pockets of his robe.
“Yes, I’ll be here. You can sleep tight,” I replied and he smiled weakly at me.
“I can’t say that my wife and daughter are thrilled to have a stranger in the house, but they’re aware of the necessity. I’m doing this for them,” Andrew said, shaking his head.
“You don’t have to worry,” I replied.
“You can look around the house, around the premises if you need to. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll let Bertha know to give you some food if you’re hungry,” he continued.
“I’m fine, thanks,” I said and went over to sit down on the luxurious looking couch in the middle of the room.
Andrew stood nervously by, staring at me like he didn’t know what he was supposed to do next.
“You can go to bed, Mr. Williams,” I told him, in a slightly authoritative voice, snapping him out of whatever nightmare he was having now.
“Okay, yes, thank you,” he replied, stammering with his words.
Then I watched him leave. I could hear his footsteps on the staircase as he made his way upstairs. I gave it a few more minutes, waiting for him to settle down in his room. Then I stood up.
There was a stone fireplace in the living room. On the mantlepiece, there were framed photographs of the Williams family. I could see pictures of Charlotte through the years.
Even as a kid, there was a fire in her eyes. Like a kid you didn’t mess with.
Then I saw her as a teenager and more recent photographs. She was beautiful in all of them…flawless. I could feel my cock moving in my pants as I looked at a picture of her in a yellow summer dress, her breasts spilling out the deep neck. I had to clench my fists to stop myself from swaying under the effect this woman had on me.
Several minutes had gone by since Andrew left the room. He’d given me free reign of the house and I had every intention of utilizing it. I stepped out of the living room, taking care not to make too much noise and alert Bertha.
Then I took the stairs up. There were innumerable rooms along the hallway, and I had no idea which one Andrew was in, and which was Charlotte’s. I used my powerful sense of smell to figure out which one was hers.
I caught her scent immediately coming from the room at the end of the hallway, the one with light spilling out from under the door. I walked towards it, mindful of creaking floors. The closer I got to it, the stronger my heart thudded in my chest.
I couldn’t wait to see her again. To hear her voice. I opened the door without knocking.
Chapter 13
I heard the doorbell downstairs and I sat up in bed. It wasn’t like I was sleeping anyway. How could I? Knowing that someone from the clan…most likely Lincoln; could turn up at our house any minute.
After dad told us what he was going to do about the threats, I wasn’t just scared for the safety of my baby, I was also worried what was going to happen with Lincoln. I felt a thrill
run down my spine. Je was here in the house now. In my home.
I couldn’t hear their voices, but I could sense that dad was with him now. I wanted to see him, but I was nervous about what would happen next. Five months had gone by and I thought I’d never see him again,and now this! My life was too complicated right now, and I had no idea how I was going to deal with it.
I was just about to slide my legs off the bed and get off, when my bedroom door opened. I looked up with a gasp to see Lincoln standing there in the darkness of the hallway.
When he saw me sitting up in bed, he stepped in and softly shut the door behind him.
Lincoln, with his velvety brown hair and green eyes. He seemed to fill up my entire room with his height. I stared at him, at how hot he was, my attraction towards him had gone nowhere. He was still the sexiest guy I’d ever seen. And he was the father of my child.
“What are you doing here? You have to leave!” I hissed.
He took a few steps towards me, close to my bed.
“I need to talk to you, Charlotte. I need some answers,” he growled.
His green eyes were narrowed on me, his face had gone dark. I knew he wasn’t going anywhere till he got what he wanted. My mouth watered at the sight of him, and at the same time, I wanted him gone…so I could think, so I could decide what to do.
“My parents are in the room next door. They will hear us. You have to go!” I whispered.
Lincoln clenched his jaw and pushed his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
“I’m not going anywhere, Charlotte. Not till you tell me the truth,” he said, in a commanding voice.
My throat had gone dry. If dad found us…
I swung my legs off the bed and stood up. I could feel his eyes on me…on the shape of my body under the flimsy slip I was wearing in bed. My belly bulged underneath.
“Come with me,” I said and strode to the door. We couldn’t talk here, but I knew a place where we could, away from earshot of my parents.