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Jackson Page 3

  She rolled her eyes, smirking mockingly at me as she looked away from me now.

  “You didn’t write to me once, Jackson! You never came looking for me. You had no idea where I was. How do you think I was supposed to know you’d be glad to see me?” she snapped.

  I could see that her nostrils were flared now. She was glaring at me threateningly. I knew she had every right to be mad at me. Essentially, she wasn’t wrong in thinking that I’d totally abandoned her. But she had to have known I’d done it because I cared for her, right?

  “I couldn’t go looking for you, Skylar, because I wanted you to be safe,” I said.

  “Yeah, right, I was very safe. Too safe. I hope you’re happy,” she snapped again.

  “Yes, I was happy. I was relieved that you were. But now you’re here,” I continued. She looked at me again, our eyes met and she looked like she was in a daze.

  “And now I’m here…”

  “Why? Why did you come back, Skylar?” I asked, stepping closer to her. She gulped, but held my gaze. She looked determined not to blink or look away.

  “Because it’s been ten years. It’s been too long and I thought it would be safe. Because this is my home and I have every right to be here!”

  Skylar’s voice was high-pitched and firm. I could see that she’d made up her mind. She was determined to stand her ground on her decision.

  “Skylar…” I tried to protest, looking over my shoulder to make sure nobody was watching us. It made me furious to know that she had gone one month here in Nashville without any protection.

  “Don’t tell me what I can and cannot do, Jackson. I’m not a fifteen-year-old kid anymore. I can take care of myself. My father…” she dropped her voice now. “My father died here. He was my family, the man who was supposed to look after me. I watched him die!”

  Her eyes were widened and angry. I stared back at her, letting her vent if that was what she needed.

  “And I needed to come back here, to feel close to him. Don’t tell me I can’t be here.”

  She whipped away from me, running a hand exhaustedly through her curls. I watched her delicate tender frame. The way her hips curved and how tight and big her butt looked in that mini-skirt.

  “Besides,” she continued, throwing me a look over her shoulder. “I don’t go by Adams anymore. I took my aunt’s surname…I go by Skylar Morgan now,” she added.

  I took in a deep breath, squaring my shoulder.

  “Skylar…I hate to break it to you, but how do you think I found you?”

  She crossed her brows and stared at me. I could see her thinking, racking her brain for an answer to my question. Then the color seemed to drain from her face as realization struck her. Just changing her last name wasn’t going to keep her safe. She was as much a target now as she was ten years ago.

  A soft gasp escaped her lips. I lunged towards her, stopping myself from throwing my arms around her at the last moment. She looked up at me with a sudden fear in her eyes.

  “How did you find me, Jackson?” she asked.

  “I had some people keeping a lookout for you. You were right, I never went looking for you. I didn’t want to know where you were hiding, because I knew that would keep you safe. But for the past five years, I’ve had people watching for your arrival. I wanted to make sure that if you ever came back to Nashville—that I would be the first person to know.”

  Skylar gulped and licked her lips nervously. She was searching my eyes for an answer.

  “I couldn’t stay away any more, Jackson. This is my home. I never even got to bury my father. I have no idea what happened to his body. I had to come back!” she sobbed.

  I could see her eyes watering and I couldn’t hold back. Slowly, I extended an arm and wrapped it around her shoulders. Thankfully, Skylar didn’t pull herself away from me. She allowed me to hold her.

  “I know. I’m sorry I made you leave, but that was our only choice. You needed to get out of Nashville, you needed to stay away. If I was older, if I had better means back then; I might have done things differently,” I said.

  She looked up at me, water still pooling in her eyes.

  “You don’t have to apologize to me, Jackson. You saved my life. I would be dead within hours if you hadn’t forced me to get on that bus,” she said. “I know that the coyotes would have figured out I was there once the cops got involved.”

  Our faces were so close together, and I could have kissed her. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to do more. I wanted to push her against the kitchen door of the diner and pull down her skirt to her ankles.

  I’d fantasized about her body for ten years, and now she was in my arms. But it was not the time. I could see she was shattered. I couldn’t kiss her now.

  Slowly, she pulled herself away from my arms and moved towards the bench again. I stood over her as she sat down. She still looked like she was in a daze.

  “I really thought…I thought ten years was enough. That I wouldn’t matter to the coyotes anymore. That I could return now, and if I stayed away from the neighborhood…” her voice was fading and weak. Her spunk and conviction from a few minutes ago were lost now.

  I clenched my jaw in anger. I hated seeing her like this. All I ever wanted was for Skylar to be happy.

  I crouched down in front of her, our knees grazed.

  “It’s never going to be enough time, Skylar. You are a weak link for the coyotes. They know that Michael’s kid went missing immediately after he was killed. If they find out that you are now back in the city, they will immediately assume you are looking for revenge. And they will do anything to strike first. They are not going to spare you, Skylar. Just like they didn’t spare your dad.”

  She was staring at me wide-eyed. I could see now that she believed me. I reached for her knees and gently squeezed them.

  “It’s like every time you appear out of nowhere, you bring me bad news!” she blurted.

  For a few moments, I said nothing, and then I saw the weak smile that was forming on her face. I smiled too and nodded.

  “It’s just a bad habit I need to kick,” I told her.

  Skylar chewed on her bottom lip.

  “I don’t know if I just want to run away this time, Jackson. I’m not a kid anymore,” she said. I stared at her, hoping I wasn’t hearing this correctly.

  “If you stay here, Skylar, your life is going to be in constant danger.”

  She looked away from me and shook her head lightly.

  “And if I go anywhere else, I will always keep wanting to come back,” she replied.

  I sighed, then stood up.

  “When do you finish work?” I asked. She looked at her wristwatch.

  “In two hours,” she replied. I extended my hand to her, to help her stand up.

  “Okay, c’mon, I’ll wait with you here till you’re done. Then I’m going to take you home and we can figure it out from there. Deal?”

  She smiled at me, finally it was a full smile—the one I remembered.

  “Deal!” she exclaimed, taking my hand and standing up with a flourish.

  Chapter 6


  Jackson walked back into the diner with me. While I put my apron back on, he took up a corner booth by the window. I could see him looking around the place suspiciously, and checking out the window. Every time the door chimed when a customer walked in—Jackson was on high alert.

  I could see he was tensed. He was keeping his bear at bay. He was constantly on the look-out for a threat. What was he expecting to happen? Was this his life now? Constantly being afraid? Or was it because of me?

  When I saw him again, I thought he wasn’t real. It was only when he spoke and I heard his voice; that I knew it was actually him. For ten years, I’d thought I would never see him again. Even when I got back to Nashville; it had been a month since I was in the city—I was convinced that I wouldn’t see him.

  He could have left. He could have changed. Anything could have happened to him. And then when he was stand
ing in front of me, I thought I was hallucinating.

  And now…he was sitting in the diner, gazing at the menu.

  Jackson looked good. He looked hotter now than he did when I last saw him. I wasn’t just in love with this guy anymore, I also wanted him. I wanted to feel his mouth on me. I wanted his fingers on my body.

  I stood at some distance from him, taking orders from customers but every chance I got, I couldn’t help but glance at him. He was unbelievably good looking. His eyes were dangerously green, his body was chiseled and strong and he seemed to tower over everyone else at the diner. There was no denying Jackson’s sex appeal.

  But it wasn’t just a matter of having a quickie in the supply closet. Things were complicated between us. It seemed like Jackson wasn’t the least bit thrilled to see me again. When he held me to himself and said he was going to come up with a plan for my safety—I knew he still cared. The way he used to care for me when we were kids.

  But was that still just concern for someone who was like a sibling to him? Or was that something else?

  I couldn’t help but wonder now if it was a mistake to come back.

  When I gave him a list of all the reasons why I’d returned to Nashville, I’d failed to mention to him that he was one of them.

  He caught my eye now as I was clearing up a table near him.

  “Miss? I would like to place an order please,” he said. I caught his eyes drift to my legs, to the spot between my thighs…but he was quick to look away. Like he was embarrassed of checking me out.

  I pasted a smile on my face as I went to him.

  “So, what’ll it be?” I asked, putting on my usual waitress voice.

  He was smiling now as he looked at the menu again.

  “The usual,” he said.

  I knew exactly what he was talking about. He always ordered the same thing when we went out as kids.

  “Double cheeseburger,” I said, scribbling on my notepad. “Strawberry milkshake and large fries.”

  He was watching me as I wrote.

  “Don’t be silly, Skylar,” he joked. “I’m not a teenager anymore. I’m a big boy now,” he said.

  I arched my eyebrows up to smile at him, chewing on my lip.

  “You’re a big boy now? So, you mean you won’t be having the large fries?” I asked, reaching to pull the menu away from him.

  “Or the ketchup. Just the strawberry milkshake and the cheeseburger will do,” he said. He caught my hand when I grabbed the menu. His hand on mine sent electric shocks running down my spine. I gasped. He was staring at me, directly into my eyes.

  “And would you like some sprinkles on your milkshake?” I asked, with a laugh in my voice. Jackson was still smiling while he searched my eyes.

  “Of course!” he remarked and slowly let my hand go.

  I straightened up, while his gaze drifted down to my breasts. He breathed in, like he was satisfied with what he saw. I liked being watched by him, knowing that he was admiring my body. Was it because I was a woman now, that he was looking at me like that? Or had he always looked at me like that?

  I stepped away from him, while he still followed me with his eyes. I turned from him, meaning to walk away, but I looked over my shoulder to see him. Jackson’s eyes were on my butt, fixed on the way it moved in my skirt. He couldn’t hide it anymore that he was staring. That he found my body fascinating.

  I walked away, with my cheeks flushed and hot under the collar of my cheap shirt. I gave the chef the order and then threw glances at Jackson. He stared at the door, out of the window or searched me out in the diner. He was keeping an eye on me, but I could sense it was more than just because of concern for my safety.

  I hadn’t noticed a ring on his finger…so he wasn’t married. But I still couldn’t be sure if he had found his true mate, if he had kids. I knew nothing about him, even though ten years ago; I knew everything.

  When his food was ready, I arranged it on a tray and slowly walked towards him. He followed my every move with his eyes. I leaned purposely over the table in front of him, to place the dishes. His eyes were fixed on my breasts which hung in front of him. He was staring, and I liked being stared at by him.

  When I was drawing away, he lightly touched my hand. Those goosebumps again! I felt them charge up my skin the moment he touched me.

  “Skylar…” he said in a soft voice.

  “Yes, Jackson?” I asked, expecting him to say something meaningful…like he wanted to fuck me. That’s what I really wanted to hear. After ten years of craving for him, I felt like this was the least I deserved—one wild romp.

  “I am really glad to see you again. I’m sorry for not making that clear at the start,” he said.

  I licked my lips in disappointment and nodded my head.

  “I know,” I replied and turned from him.

  After that, I kept an eye on him as he ate and while I served the other customers. He was keeping an eye on me too. He didn’t want to let me out of his sight, not even for a moment.

  The more he watched me like that…the more I wished he wouldn’t treat me like a precious commodity. I didn’t need to just be looked after, we weren’t kids anymore! I needed something else from him!

  Eventually, my shift was done.

  Jackson had literally spent two hours at the diner, drinking his milkshake to the last drop and then ordering a soda, and another one, and a plate of fries. When I was finally done with work, I removed my apron, changed into a casual denim dress and emerged from the back.

  He stood up with a jerk when he saw me approaching.

  “You don’t have to order any more food!” I remarked with a laugh and he smiled.

  “It wasn’t a problem. I was quite hungry. They don’t exactly feed you loads in detention,” he said.

  We were making our way out to the door of the diner, when I stopped in my tracks.

  “What did you just say? Did you say you were in detention?” I asked.

  Jackson took in a deep breath and pushed open the diner doors.


  “Jackson! Oh my God! Why were you in detention?” I asked, following him out.

  “Because I got in a bar fight with one of the coyote pricks. Things have heated up between our clan and their pack again. He nearly died, and the cops were looking for a reason to put a shifter behind bars.”

  He was barely looking at me while he spoke. I watched him with heaving shoulders as he walked towards his parked car.

  “When?” I called after him and he looked over his shoulder.

  “When, what?”

  “When did you get out?” I asked, rushing towards him.

  Jackson shrugged his shoulders.

  “Three hours ago,” he replied.

  So, the first thing he did when he got out of detention, was to come find me?

  “Jackson!” I said his name harshly, as he pulled the front door of his car open. He looked at me, but there was a calmness in his eyes.

  “I…I want…” I was fumbling with the words. I couldn’t say it. I was too embarrassed, too shy…so afraid of being rejected by him.

  “You want me to fuck you.”

  Jackson said the words like they just rolled off his tongue easily.

  My stomach was clenched tight. I couldn’t nod, I couldn’t say a word.

  “Get in the car, Skylar. I’ve been waiting to fuck you all my life.”


  I followed Jackson into the back of his car, and everything happened so quickly from there that I barely had time to think.

  Jackson’s hands were all over me, slipping down my panties, pulling down the zipper on the back of my denim dress.

  We were squeezed into the back of the car, and our breaths were fogging up the glass. I reached for the buttons on his shirt, pulling them apart till I could see the rugged surface of his muscular torso. Tattoos covered his chest and his arms. Tattoos I wasn’t familiar with. He didn’t have any of these when we were kids.

  When I placed a hand on
his chest, we stopped moving for a second. I was on top of him, he was stretched out on the backseat, his hands working away at rolling off my dress.

  I stared into his eyes.

  “Are you sure this is what you want, Skylar?” he asked.

  I gulped. My throat had gone dry, but I managed to nod my head.

  He leaned forward, hooking a finger under my chin. This was going to be our first kiss. I’d known him since I was three years old, I’d wanted him since I was twelve, and this was the first time our lips were going to touch.

  When the kiss happened, I felt like I’d been completely engulfed by a kind of fire. His tongue was in my mouth, sliding down my throat and I moved over him.

  I was undoing his belt as he kissed me. He kissed me hard, ferociously. His fingers were in my hair, undoing my braid…making my hair come apart and fall like a halo around my face, covering him.

  My dress was off, so were my panties. I pulled his jeans down to his knees. Now I was sitting on him, astride, with my swollen wet pussy rubbing against the roughness of his rock-hard belly.

  We continued to kiss, it felt like this was the first time I was kissing anyone. I was shy and self-conscious, while he kissed me like a wild animal. I’d never wanted anything like I wanted him.

  His hands were on my back, stroking the sensitive soft skin between my shoulder blades. I moved over him, rubbing my pussy against him roughly till I realized I was already working myself up to an orgasm.

  I reached for his cock, to steady myself. It was tenting his boxers. I squeezed him gently, stroking him, and he groaned…pulling his mouth away from me. He was clutching my hair tightly.

  “Fuck, Skylar! What are you doing to me!” he growled, and I saw the fire in his eyes. Did he really mean it when he said he’d always wanted to do this? I found that hard to believe…if he did, he’d hidden it well.

  I kept stroking his cock, while his mouth found my neck. He nibbled my skin and started licking me, running his tongue down the length of my neck, down my front, till he tugged at my bra with his teeth.

  I rolled my hips over him, and I could feel my sticky juices leaving a trail on his stomach. He groaned and moaned as he tasted me, pulling my bra till finally my left breast popped out.