Dillon_A Fake Marriage Shifter Romance Page 3
High heeled shoes echoed up the stairs. Sweat stung my neck. She was coming closer. A white apparition floated up the stairs and stopped right in front of me. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t breathe. I could only stand there and stare.
Her face hovered under an organza cloud. Her eyes cut me to the core. Was I really going to marry this girl? How did I ever get lucky enough to find someone like her? She must be one in a million. My bear certainly thought so. He wouldn’t shut up from the second her saw her step out of the limo when she arrived.
She crossed the foyer. She took one step after another on a beeline straight for me. She knew exactly what she was doing.
The clerk bustled forward. “If you don’t mind, miss, we need your signature on the register.” He pointed to a book laid open on the table nearby. “Just print your name here, and sign and date here.”
She bent over and scribbled. When she stood up, her eyes snapped to my face. No hesitation. How did she stay so calm when I wanted to break down right there? I was supposed to be some kind of iron man. She showed me up.
The clerk took his place. “Now, if you’ll come forward, we’ll get started.”
She crossed the last few inches to stand at my side. Without thinking, I took her hands in mine. My hands shook, but she held me rock solid. I could count on her. I could rely on her to support me at a time like this. I could calm down, now that I had her in hand.
The clerk rambled on about something. I didn’t hear much of the ceremony. I swam in her eyes. I delved into her soul. I understood everything I needed to know about her at that moment.
All of a sudden, I heard the clerk say, “And do you, Dillon, take this woman Bianca as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live?”
I swallowed hard. Well, did I? Did I really take this woman as long as I would live? I was losing my damn mind. She was beautiful, but this was forever.
Or was it?
I couldn’t get my voice to work. She squeezed my hands to encourage me, and I croaked out, “I do.”
The clerk went on with the ceremony. “And do you, Bianca, take this man Dillon, as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live?”
That bright glowing smile spread across her face. The veil did nothing to dilute its stunning beauty. “I do.”
We exchanged rings. The icy gold burned into my finger. Already I sensed it infecting my blood with its alchemical magic. What did I get myself into? Just putting that ring on and saying those words did something to me. I couldn’t stop it. I was married. This was not just a business arrangement. This was real—really fucking real.
I slipped the ring on her tiny finger. Did she feel it, too? Did that ring change her in the same way? We took an oath before God and the State of South Carolina. We couldn’t turn it into a lie. It really happened, and we really were married.
The clerk said, “You may kiss the bride.”
I froze in my tracks. What should I do? Should I stick my tongue down her throat right there in the court clerk’s office? I would have stood there all day trying to figure it out, but Bianca rescued me. She darted forward and pecked me on the lips. Lightning quick, she was gone, back to her place.
As soon as the clerk said, “I now pronounce you man and wife,” I turned away. I took Bianca’s hand and led her downstairs. The courthouse door swung open, and a solid wall of sound blasted us in the face. The crowd trampled faster and harder than ever. The reporters rushed up the steps to snap a million pictures.
Jacob and William appeared on either side of us. The police formed a ring around us and escorted us through the frenzied crowd to the limo. I held the door open while Bianca slipped inside. I took my place at her side, and the door closed on the chaos.
Bianca let out a shaky breath. “Thank God that’s over with.”
“It’s not over yet,” I replied. “We have to do the photo shoot. Then I’ll take you back to my place.”
I looked out the window, but when I sat back in the seat, I discovered her studying me. Her mesmerizing eyes sucked me in. I couldn’t look away. I had to stare at her and get lost in her. My bear roared, wanting to take her right then and there.
“Was that all of your family? You have a twin, right?” She asked.
“My parents were in the back, and then my brothers Benjamin and Abraham were there, obviously you saw Abe. And their wives. But Ellis couldn’t make it. He’s away on business.” I didn’t dare tell her it was clan business with the Bradford’s a wealthy bear clan we had grown up with. “Oh and I have a sister, Celeste.”
“But she wasn’t there either?”
“She’s not anywhere really.”
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realize…”
“Shit, no, she’s not dead. Sorry. She’s recuperating. She’s got some problems.”
“I see.” A moment passed and she turned away to out the window.
We were married, for better or for worse. Did she regret it? Did she hate herself for giving in this way? Holy shit, she looked good in that dress. I wanted to preserve her like this forever. I wanted to keep her clean and spread my cloak on the ground for her to walk on. I wanted to protect her from everything happening outside.
All too soon, the limo pulled up in front of a sweet little southern park. We got out and I showed her where to go. We stood under the trees while the paparazzi shot a lot more than a million pictures. They called out orders. “Turn left. Smile wider. Face each other. Now kiss.”
My brothers walked up soon after, with my parents following. We took some group shots, though Harper continued to steal the show. Preschooler are adorable.
While they took shots of all the women I got a moment to pull Benjamin away.
“Can’t believe you went through with it man.”
“Yeah you and me both, hey speaking of crazy ideas, how’s things with Harper going?”
“You mean, how is Celeste?”
“Yeah well Bianca asked about her, and I didn’t… I didn’t know what to say. I mean do we even know where she is right now?”
“Yeah actually, we do. She’s with the Bradfords.”
“Yeah that’s why Ellis is up there. He, and Brayden, and Mckenna are helping out.”
“Helping out with what?”
The photographer was signalling that I needed to come back, but just as I began to walk away Benjamin added, “With the Change.”
Shit, so my crazy ass sister, who had tried to decide she wanted to be human, decided against it after all. I made a mental note to call Ellis when this all calmed down. To find out how she really was.
I walked back over the crowd and my mother kissed me on the cheek before she and my father departed. Then Abraham, Benjamin, and their families left as well.
Bianca and I were once again alone.
I found myself face to face with the most stunning woman I ever met in my life, and I had to kiss her. We eyed each other for a long moment. Did she quail at the idea of kissing me in front of the cameras?
If she did, she showed no sign. She glanced down at my mouth. She searched my eyes for any answer. I had to do this. I had to make a convincing show of loving her beyond anything in the world.
I didn’t give myself time to question. I swept my arms around her and planted my lips on her mouth. She collapsed in my embrace, and her whole majestic body responded to my attention. I bent her over backward. I didn’t really mean to. It happened by itself. One of her legs flew up, and her weight rested on my arms.
I gazed down into her eyes while our lips mingled in cosmic unity. Her eyes reflected the blue sky and the ruffled foliage overhead. My blood boiled. I opened my mouth, and her lips parted at the same moment. My tongue darted inside.
God, she tasted so incredibly sweet! I could go on kissing her and kissing her and never stop. I could undress her right now in front
of all these people.
My bear growled anxiously at the idea.
I had to get out of here. I had to have her.
The elevator door opened, and I stepped out into the biggest suite I’d ever seen. The ceiling towered so high I couldn’t see the top. Enormous windows gave a sweeping view of the whole city spread out at my feet, and more windows let light stream down from overhead. Potted palm trees rustled in the corners.
I held my breath. “What is this place?”
Dillon took my hand one more time. I could face anything with him holding my hand. “This is my penthouse. Come on in.”
He led me down the marble steps to the huge living area. I couldn’t call it a room. It must cover the whole top floor of this skyscraper in the middle of Manhattan. He stopped me at a sparkling wet bar set against one wall. He took out a bottle and popped the cork. He poured fizzing champagne into two flutes and handed one to me. “Here’s to you. You were incredible today. Thank you so much for doing this.”
I couldn’t stop smiling at him, which felt insane. “I should be thanking you. I really needed this job.”
He tossed his champagne down in one gulp. I took a sip. “Don’t worry about it. Let me show you around. As you can see, this is the living room. There’s a kitchen on the other side of this wall, but you’ll probably never go there.”
“Why not? I have to eat.”
“I have my own chef. He’s very good at Italian food. I’m certain you won’t be disappointed.”
I beamed at him. “Thank you. That’s very kind.”
He pressed my hand. “I want you to be comfortable here. If there’s anything at all you want, you let me know.”
I took another look around. “I’m sure I won’t want anything here.”
He tugged me forward. He snatched a remote control off the wall and pressed a button. “This is the garden. Feel free to go out there whenever you feel like it.”
What I thought was a solid wall slid back to reveal a towering indoor garden full of flowering trees, water features, and a coy pond. Dillon already walked away, down a flagstone path, between the shrubs to a wooden trellis. “Back here is the hot tub. It’s always turned on, and it’s self-cleaning so you can use it anytime, day or night.”
“Wow,” I gasped.
“That’s nothing. Follow me.”
He escorted me back inside. We trekked across the living room to a private alcove. High bookshelves surrounded a few comfy wing-backed chairs. “This is my study. I don’t expect you to read all these books.”
I laughed. “It does look like a great place to curl up on a winter’s night.”
He shot me a big smile. “That’s what I like to do, too. Maybe we could do it together sometime.”
My heart skipped a beat at the thought.
He touched a button on the wall, and a hidden door slid back. I gaped at what I saw. A giant bedroom spread to the far wall where more massive windows separated the room from the open sky. A big four-poster bed dominated the center of the room and flowing taffeta curtains all in white draped to the floor. White bows festooned the whole room, and sprays of roses wafted their scent in every direction.
A wall of cut glass divided the bathroom suite from the rest of the chamber. An open wet-floor shower stood in one corner next to a full-sized jacuzzi bubbling and steaming near the windows. Dillon ducked behind the wall and pulled back a wooden panel next to the tall shelf of fresh towels. “The sauna is in here. Just turn it on at the switch on the wall.”
I stared all around me in disbelief. “You said I would have your room. This doesn’t look like a guy’s room at all.”
His dimples twinkled when he smiled. “I had the place done up for you. I wanted it to be perfect for your first night—for our first night as.... you know, man and wife.”
My eyes shot to his face. He did all this for me. He went to God knows how much trouble and expense—for me. For a fraction of a second, I drilled him with my eyes. I could never get tired of looking at him. He cast a spell over me I couldn’t resist.
“So, is this all you do?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well if I lived here, I’d never leave.” I took another sip of my champagne as I moved around the room.
“Ha, I wish. I manage a portion of my family’s company.”
“And you go out? Right? I mean isn’t that why we’re in this position?”
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I go out. And before my twin brother Abraham, who was the one standing with me at the wedding, settled down he used to join me. He’s not as innocent as he appears. Though Ellis was probably the worst.”
“Where does the money come from?”
“It started with our hotel chain, Shyft. And then our business ventured into other real estate opportunities and has been very successful as well.”
I nodded, “Interesting. You know I’m surprised your team allowed you to give me the job, knowing my history. I figure if this whole thing is a publicity stunt, my past isn’t exactly the sparkling clean slate you need by your side.”
“Your history is irrelevant to me, and something my team can make easily disappear. And despite what it currently appears, I’m in charge, and I chose you.”
He chose me. To be his wife. Jesus.
He looked incredible in his tux. I set my glass down on the bedside table. How would I ever keep my hands off of him?
“Dillon…” I began but the next instant, he was crossing the room, and I knew I was a goner. We rocketed toward each other on a crashing torrent of mad passionate desire. I attacked him with all my might. I threw my arms around his neck and met his kiss coming at me full tilt from the other direction.
He grappled his thick arms around my ribs and hoisted me off the ground. I floated into the bright horizon beyond those windows. I was with him, and nothing could hold me back. Wasn’t I married to him? No one could tell me this was wrong.
He spun me around in a circle, as our kiss intensified. Before I knew what was happening, he swept me off my feet. My legs sailed into the air and came to rest on his muscled bicep. He pulled his lips from mine while he carried me across the room to that bed waiting for us.
Did he plan this? Did he decorate the room thinking he would deflower me in that bed on our wedding night? Nothing could ever be so perfect. He eased the curtains aside and laid me out on the mountain of pillows. He stood over the bed staring at me.
“You are so beautiful, Bianca,” he said.
I sat up to meet him as he leaned in to kiss me. He nibbled down my neck to the cleavage heaving against my bodice. He reached behind me and unzipped my wedding dress. I mussed his hair following him down, down, down. He nuzzled his big head into my stomach. Nothing could ever be low enough until he found the seething tempest between my legs. God, I wanted him! I dreamt of this moment, all these days planning the ceremony.
He didn’t stop at my stomach. He nosed into my satin frills until I pushed them aside with my knees. He helped me slide my skirts up my thighs, and he laid one torturous kiss above my garter. Air hissed through my teeth. Oh, God, yes! That was so good. I felt the heat burning between my thighs. I needed him between my legs right now. I would do anything. I would beg and whine and grovel if only he would take me right then.
He inched higher up my thigh to my lacy panties and found them already soaking wet. A soft moan escaped my lips when his mouth moved over my core. I would have thrown my legs around his neck if he hadn’t taken hold of both milky thighs and pried them apart for his enjoyment.
I collapsed back on the bed. I had to submit to this in the full rapture of his monstrous power. He would take me. He would drive me to heaven. He would consume me and leave me breathless, and I would take it. I would take anything he cared to dish out.
He pulled my panties aside to give himself one tiny lick. I felt my whole body shake at the touch of his tongue. He lifted his head and stared at me seductively.
You taste so fucking good, Bianca.”
All I could do was nod as he moved his head back between my legs. His tongue flicked my clit lightly, and I arched my back and rolled my hips slightly. His tongue moved faster as I felt the tension start to build in my body.
“Oh God, Dillon don’t stop,” I moaned.
Dillon continued to lick my clit as he moved his finger in between my legs and started to tease me at my entrance. I pushed my hips down hoping he would push his fingers inside me. His tongue flicked faster, and I let out a loud moan when I felt him push his finger in.
Heat rushed through my body and I felt myself get closer to the edge. I rolled my hips onto his face and hand as loud moans escaped my lips.
“Oh, yes, Dillon!”
He plunged another finger deep into me as his tongue moved faster and faster. My whole body began to shake, and I felt my legs tighten slightly around his head. I reached down and ran my fingers through his hair. I felt my body fall into my orgasm as I squirmed underneath his touch.
Once my moans subsided he towered over me. He propped himself on hands and knees to kiss me to raging ecstasy again. He wormed his mighty hips between my legs until I squirmed in naked lust.
He didn’t have to ask. He knew he had me. He prepared this bed for me, and he brought me here to fulfill our deepest longing. He eased my skirts the rest of the way up. He rolled back on his knees to slide my panties the rest of the way down. He didn’t bother with the rest of my clothes. He wanted me in my wedding dress. He wanted the woman he married.
He came back to kneel over me. I couldn’t stop my rabid hands going to work on him. I tore his pants open and got out his thick cock I knew I’d find there. It leapt into my hand. I stroked it to throbbing hardness and guided it between my legs.
“I want you inside of me, Dillon.”
“I’m going to make you scream my name, Bianca.”
Another moan escaped my lips as he pushed slowly inside of me. I arched my head back, as I felt his hips meet mine. In an instant, my muscles pulsed around his shaft and I felt him fil. me completely. I screamed in spitting madness. I had to have him. I had to throw myself on that intruding spike until he drove me wild.