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Dillon_A Fake Marriage Shifter Romance Page 15

  Daredevil collapsed on me, just as he came, and I felt his heat fill me. He was groaning and grunting, and his voice was muffled by the sheets which his face was buried into. I could feel him emptying himself inside me. He groaned and jerked as he emptied the last drop of his seed, and then slowly, slid out of me and rolled on to his back beside me.

  “Fuck,” he said, breathing hard, with his eyes closed. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling, I couldn’t believe how amazing and freeing this felt. “Your pussy crushed me,” he said and then turned to me. He looked like he was genuinely in shock, like he had expected to last longer.

  Then he reached for my arm, his gaze falling on my bruise again and I knew immediately what he was thinking.

  Chapter 13


  The ringing of the phone was sharp in my ear and my eyes flew open. I could feel the warmth of Melody beside me, nestled in the crook of my arm. I reached for my phone in the dark and I sensed her moving, but she was still sleeping.

  It was Beasty.

  “They hit the pawn shop again,” I heard him say, he was breathing hard. I sat up in bed, my legs already swinging off the edge.

  “Were you alone?”

  “I shot a guy.”

  “Is he still with you?


  “I’ll be there in a few minutes. Call Ace and ask him to meet us there,” I said and hung up the phone. In the dark, I started dressing myself, while Melody remained peacefully sleeping. I could smell her scent on my skin, the softness of her breathing as she slept was loud in my ears. For the first time, I didn’t want to leave a woman sleeping on my bed. For the first time, I wanted to stay and yet, I had to go.

  I gave her one last look before I left the room. She hadn’t moved, just curled up in a fetal position amidst the sheets. Her bare body glistened like silver in the pale moonlight filtering in through the curtains.

  I left my apartment and jumped on my bike. At least I knew Melody would be relatively safe there in my apartment. Safer there than anywhere else. I could still feel the throbbing rage in my temples every time I thought about that bruise on her arm.

  An ex-boyfriend.

  A fucking ex-boyfriend!

  I could kill him if she let me.

  I rode fast, noisily towards Hill’s pawn shop and found that Ace was just pulling in as well.

  The Claws guy was sitting on the pavement, clutching the gunshot wound to his leg. Beasty was pacing in front of him. A giant grizzly bear. The only bear in the Club. His clothes were folded neatly to the side and Beasty just paced. Never taking his eyes off of him.

  I clenched and unclenched my fists as I strode towards them. Ace was quick on my heels, but all I wanted to do was beat the shit out of someone. I needed to feel some guy’s jaw on my knuckles. I didn’t know what this ex-boyfriend looked like, but I could picture him well now. This Claws guy would have to do for the night.

  He didn’t see it coming. He wasn’t expecting it. I knocked his jaw and a spurt of blood splashed out of his mouth and he fell backwards.

  Beasty stopped paced and cocked his brown head at me. He was nearly as tall as I was on four legs. I forgot how foreboding he could appear. Damn shame the kid would never kill somebody with those sharp claws of his. Too much of a softy.

  I stood over the guy’s body and his groans only made my blood curdle more. I saw Melody’s long limbs entwined in mine, the curves of her bare hips, her legs stretching invitingly, her red hair flying as she bounced underneath me. Some asshole had touched her and left a bruise.

  I punched the guy in the face again and he groaned even louder.

  “Daredevil!” Ace’s voice snapped me out of my blind fury. “We need him conscious so we can question him,” he said, in a softer voice. He had seen the madness in my eyes. He knew if he let me, I would kill this guy. I clenched my jaw, my shoulders heaving with rage and I stepped away. I felt something like a crack in my knuckles and when I looked down I saw them bruised and bloodied. Finally, I could feel something.

  “Where are the fight clubs?” Ace kicked the guy’s feet. He groaned, and still clutching his wound, he tried to haul himself up. There was blood coursing down the front of his face and I glared at him, with narrowed eyes and flared nostrils. I could go again. I could go all night, till he was senseless.

  “Over by Bukawski, the abandoned warehouse,” the guy said, blood sputtering from his mouth as he tried to speak.

  “Are they running guns?” Ace asked. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t grab this opportune moment to question this weasel.

  Beasty roared at him.

  “Yeah. Fuck!” he groaned and clutched his wound tighter. “But the main business is the gambling. Those shifter kids will do anything we tell ‘em too.”

  Beasty’s black eyes narrowed. He understood everything being said. The human side didn’t completely turn off when he was the bear. If it had, we’d all be dead.

  They were running guns. This was our territory. No one runs guns on our territory. I lunged towards him again and he cowered, bringing his hand up to shield his face from another punch. I fisted the collars of his jacket in my hands and pulled him close to my face, so he could look into my eyes. So there was no doubt left in his mind.

  “Go back to your pals and tell them we’re coming for them,” I snarled and then released him. The guy fell tumbling back on the pavement again, but now tried to slide away from me.

  “We know about the guns and picking up shifter kids, and if they don’t stop hitting the pawn shop, there is going to be war,” Ace spoke in a calmer, more collected voice to the guy. He shook his head and Ace came over to me. We were going to let this bastard go.

  Beasty changed right in front of the guy. His bones cracking, his body twisting. Soon he was throwing his clothes back on.

  “Someone woke up cranky,” Beasty said with a laugh, following us towards our bikes as he buttoned up his shirt. Ace was walking beside me, keeping an eye on me.

  “You left suddenly from the bar,” Ace said.

  I rubbed the back of my hand on my forehead, realizing that I must have left a trail of blood on my face now.

  “I haven’t changed in a while. Need to catch up on sleep,” I said, putting on my helmet as I approached my bike. Ace didn’t look like he bought the explanation, but Beasty hadn’t caught on.

  “Yeah, get some beauty sleep in ya. Maybe have a mud bath and sip some cucumber water while you’re at it,” he said, laughing by himself. I could still hear him laughing as I rode away from them.

  Chapter 14


  When I woke up, it was morning and I recognized the room immediately. It was where I had fallen asleep the previous night, in the arms of a man who had made me feel safe.

  Daredevil was lying next to me, his arm splayed defensively over my breasts and he was sleeping with his lips pressed together in a firm line. I couldn’t help but smile. I remembered everything clearly, every move, every touch, every thrust and I felt a quiver in my belly. I wanted him again.

  I moved, his arm slipping over my breasts and that was when I saw his hand. There was blood, dried and caked on his knuckles and a cry rose up my throat. I wriggled up and sat up in bed and he groaned and moved in his sleep, turning his face away from me and towards the window.

  I wanted to touch his hand, feel the bruise under my fingertips but I was afraid of waking him. What happened last night? Where had he gone while I was sleeping? An electric shock ran down my spine, when I remembered the look of rage in his eyes. Every time he glanced at the bruise on my arm, that rage returned. For a moment, I wondered if he had found Maxwell. How could he? I hadn’t told him the name of my ex-boyfriend. Who had he gone out and punched the crap out of? In the middle of the night no less.

  I stepped out of bed and reached for his t-shirt on the floor. I slid it over my head and it fell, oversized and loose over my body. Just a few more minutes. I’d let him sleep for a little while longer…

  In th
e kitchen, I opened and shut the cupboards to look for something to make for him. Everything was empty. The fridge had four eggs in a forgotten carton, and the rest of the shelves were stacked with beers. What did the guy eat? Did he just survive on alcohol and fresh air?

  I opened the kitchen windows as I cracked the eggs open on a frying pan. The smell of fried eggs filled the kitchen and a thrill ran down my spine. I was looking forward to seeing his face when he woke up. Placing the fried eggs on a plate, I opened the freezer and thankfully he had some ice. My instinct was to put some ice on his bruise.

  Filling a glass with a few ice cubes, I carried the glass and the plate of eggs to the bedroom. I nearly gasped with surprise when I saw him sitting up in bed, the sheets covering his groin and his eyes looking expectantly at the door.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” I said, feeling my cheeks flush with excitement. His blue eyes were piercing my soul. His tattoos looked dark and threatening in the morning light.

  “I was already awake when you slipped out of bed,” he said and ran a hand through his ruffled brown hair. His stubble looked darker on his jaws, and his biceps bulged as he placed his arms on folded up knees.

  I walked towards him, suddenly not sure if I could balance the things I was carrying. He had a destabilizing effect on me, and I felt silly…like a giddy teenager.

  “I brought you some ice,” I said and looked at his knuckles. He followed my gaze and I thought I saw a sense of self-consciousness in his eyes.

  I placed the plate of eggs on the bed beside him and picked an ice cube from the glass. His hands remained on his knees, and I gently touched his bloodied knuckles with the ice cube. If it stung him, he wasn’t showing it. Daredevil didn’t make a single move.

  I slid the ice cube over his skin, watching as the dried blood began to get wet again.

  “You should have done this last night. It would have helped with the pain,” I said and when I looked up, I saw that he was watching me.

  He reached for my wrist and my breath caught in my throat. With his eyes fixed on me, he plucked the ice cube out of my hand and instead of dropping it to the ground, he brought it close to my face.

  My lips instinctively fell open, my heart thudding against my chest because I had no idea what he planned on doing next.

  “Beautiful, sweet Melody,” he said the words in a breathy deep whisper as the ice cube came closer to me. Slowly, he touched my lips with it and I felt the cold sting of its surface. He was watching me, noting my every reaction. He slid the ice cube along my lip and my body shockingly sizzled with a new wave of heat. How could I feel so hot and cold at the same time?

  Then he was slipping the ice down from my lip, leaving a trail down my neck, till he got to the neck of the t-shirt. He looked up at me, his blue eyes glowing bright and without warning, he dropped the ice cube. It went sliding down the t-shirt and I leaped with a giggle. The ice tickled and surprised me as it slipped down my front, grazing my left nipple and then dissolving in a small puddle on the carpet.

  I was still smiling when I looked at him. He was not. He was looking at me from under his heavy eyelids, like he was formulating some kind of plan in his head. Whatever he had planned, I was game.

  There was nothing that he could do to me that would scare me.

  I wanted everything.

  Chapter 15


  He pulled me to the bed and I fell on his lap. The sheets got tangled and he gruffly pushed them aside, so that I could see his raging erection now. That thick angry cock that was ready for me, and I could feel the wetness in my pussy.

  “You’ve stolen my t-shirt,” he said with a smile, as he brought his lips to me and we were kissing. Our tongues made smacking lapping sounds as we kissed hungrily. His hand slipped under the t-shirt and reached up for my breasts which he cupped and squeezed. I moaned, my body thrilling with the pleasure of his hands.

  I reached for his cock, my hand not fitting around its base. I hadn’t forgotten how big he was, but it was still shocking. He groaned and broke the kiss and stretched away from me.

  “I want your mouth on my cock,” I heard him say and I looked up at him and I saw the command in his eyes. I was never a fan of blow jobs, but with him, he didn’t have to ask twice. I wanted him to feel good. I wanted to feel powerful with this big muscular man with bloodied knuckles.

  I propped myself on my knees and he reached for my head, pushing me down down down till my face was aligned with his cock. Keeping a hold on his cock, I opened my mouth wide.

  “Be a good girl and take it all in,” he said, and I heard the sizzle in his voice. He was pushing the back of my head, and I did what he asked. His cock was thick, sliding in to my mouth and I nearly gagged on it. There was no way I could take it in completely, but I was going to try.

  Daredevil started thrusting the moment his cock was a few inches in. Slowly moving his hips back and forth, and keeping a firm grip on my head. His cock rammed into the back of my throat and I gasped and moaned as I tried to fit him in my mouth. His balls swung against my chin. I could hear him grunting and groaning, slowly rocking himself to the edge of pleasure.

  Then I felt his hand leave my head, and in the next second, an icy coolness was slipping down my skin. He was tracing a wet line down my back with another ice cube. My skin tingled, covered with goosebumps and I could feel my belly doing somersaults. It was becoming very hard to stay in control.

  “I’ve wanted to fuck that mouth for a very long time,” he said, as he traced the ice cube on the small of my back and then gently on my ass. I quivered, faltered and nearly gave up, but he didn’t stop thrusting his cock in my mouth. His groans became louder and I thought he was going to explode in my mouth. Instead, he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me up. The taste of his cock was still musky and strong in my mouth.

  He lifted me up, then quickly rolled my t-shirt and threw it away. My breasts bounced into view and he picked up another ice cube from the glass.

  “Stay still, princess. Remember, you’re not allowed to come till I give you permission,” he said, and my lips parted in anticipation.

  He brought the ice cube to my breasts, to my puckered sensitive nipples. Gently, he grazed my nipple with it and my body shuddered and I threw my head back in delight. It was going to be so difficult to not come. When he was doing this!

  He was tracing the ice in circular motions on my nipples, on the left and then the right and I could feel my juices dripping down the insides of my thighs.

  “Daredevil, I want to come,” I said, in the same pleading voice I had used before. His lips stretched in a smile, but he didn’t give me permission yet.

  The ice started melting, while he gently rubbed it on my nipples, then down my belly till he was touching my pussy with it. I shuddered and pressed my eyes close. It was too much. I couldn’t control myself for much longer.

  His gentleness and slow pace was overwhelming. Now he had built the tension up in my belly and I just wanted him to slam into me. My body had started spasming, I wanted to move, I wanted him fucking inside me! I looked down at my body, one hand gripping my left breast, my mouth open with desire. His fingers were playing with my clit, with my pussy, the ice melting against my folds. It was so cold and hot at the same time.

  Those fingers, with those bloodied knuckles were so fucking hot. He’d used that same hand to punch a guy bloody, the same hand had pulled the clutch on his roaring bike…had that hand pulled the trigger of a gun too? I wanted to come on those hands, I wanted those fingers inside me.

  “Daredevil, please,” I cried, writhing as he rubbed the ice on my clit.

  It happened in a flash. Without missing a beat, he pushed me and I was thrown on the bed. His hands slapped on my waist and he whipped me around. I could feel him behind me, lowering himself over me, while my body was seconds away from a burning, gushing orgasm.

  “Oh my God, I’m going to come!” I screamed, clutching the pillows with both hands, my eyes wide o
pen and facing the wall behind the bed. He was covering me with his body, his arms propped on the bed around my face. I reached for his biceps, gripping them tightly with my hands, my nails digging into his flesh.

  “I’m sorry for what’s coming, Melody, I just need you…” he said and even before he had finished the sentence, I felt his cock thrust into my pussy from behind. I screamed with pleasure, feeling his cock reach deep inside me. That thick big cock, pounded into me like a jackhammer, in a quick rhythm giving me no chance to breathe or catch up to his motion. He was thrusting deep, reaching that sweet spot which made me come instantly. I’d been holding back for very long and now I couldn’t anymore.

  I couldn’t believe what he had just said. He needed me. This was the toughest, most scary guy I had ever spoken to. He was high up in the biker gang that owned the bar, he carried a gun, he could have any woman he wanted to and right now, he seemed weak, like I was the one who was in control. He was slamming into me with force because he didn’t have a grip on himself. How was this happening?

  I came screaming, clutching his biceps with my body shaking and shuddering while he kept pounding into me. I could feel my pussy stretching, going sore. I wasn’t going to be able to walk comfortably for a while.

  I felt his hot breath on my back, he lowered his face, biting my shoulder while he kept ramming into me. I was going to come again. So quickly! My pussy tightened around his cock, and he pushed harder, deeper, not stopping for anything as I came.

  “Fuck. Melody.” I heard him growling in my ear as he came as well. We were coming together. Our groaning was in sync as we came, he was shooting his hot seed inside me while my pussy streamed of its juices around his cock. The bed shook wildly, the sheets and pillows were all scattered on the floor and the melted ice cubes had left damp spots on the mattress.